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The pilot study does not show
any significant reduction
in damage

caused by infrasound
until over 15 kilometers
from wind farms

①The pilot study carried out
in Satakunta and Northern Ostrobothnia in Finland
shows that
the damage caused by infrasound from wind power plants
will only decrease significantly
more than 15 kilometers away from wind turbines.
②The study was carried out
by the Finnish Association for Environmental Health (SYTe)
in the spring 2016.
–③ It has been noticed
from experience
that after the construction of wind power plants,
usually within a few months, people in the surrounding area have begun to get
a wide range of symptoms,
says Markku Mehtätalo, Chairman of the Finnish Association for Environmental Health.
– ④It is possible to study the matter quite easily and the Finnish authority responsible for the public health, the Department of Health and Welfare (THL),
has tried to do this, for example, Mehtätalo continues.
⑤However, in THL’s study in 2016, it was assumed
that the symptoms would decrease significantly in the first 10 kilometers, with more symptoms near the wind turbines.
⑥The study did not take into account the impact of wind farms elsewhere in the environment.
– ⑦But it is known
from experience
that the symptoms of people
do not usually decrease
at this distance, says Mehtätalo. ⑧Measurements have also shown that the infrasound pulses
from the wind turbines
that are currently being built
will not be significantly reduced
at this distance.
⑨Other risk factors
very close
to the wind power plants
are audible sound and electromagnetic fields.

The research material was collected from Satakunta and Northern Ostrobothnia.
⑩The sample of the pilot study meets the requirements
of a statistical analysis.
⑪The data was collected
from Satakunta and Northern Ostrobothnia,
mainly from areas
where wind turbines were built 0.5–1.5 years before the interview (see Figure 1 from Northern Ostrobothnia).

Figure 1.
In the yellow-bounded area, the infrasound from wind turbines is almost continuous.The area is located in the south of Oulu Province in Finland.

⑫The subject of the study
was about 50 families,
with symptoms of each family member found out.
⑬A total of about 200 people
were involved in the study.
– ⑭In addition, the pilot study
took into account the location of all wind power plants in Finland and did not exclude
beforehand the possibility
that the effect of the wind farms could be greater and reach longer than the impact of a single, clearly separated area,
says Mehtätalo.

Nocturnal disturbance is a typical symptom caused by infrasound.
⑮The basic research question was whether the family had noticed changes in health status in the last six months or a year within.
⑯The wording of the question regarding the time
was dependent on
when the impact
of the nearest wind turbines
could have started.
⑰The interviewees were not told in advance about the possible connection with wind turbines.
– ⑱The majority of respondents were unable to name a change
in their overall health status. ⑲However,
they gave many responses
to separate symptomatic questions, says Mehtätalo.
– ⑳The most typical was sleep disturbance or change in the need for night’s sleep, fatigue and various pains.
㉑Only very few,
some respondents, considered wind power plants
as a possible cause.

Harmful or severe symptoms three times more common near wind turbines

㉒The responses were categorized according to the severity of the symptoms and subjected to a
statistical analysis.
㉓There were about three times more harmful or more serious symptoms near wind turbines (less or about 15 km from wind power plants) than further away (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Symptoms of almost continuous or often persistent infrasound exposure (less or about 15km from wind turbines) and further (over 15 km) from wind power plants.

– ㉔Based on the analysis,
it seems strongly that,
after the construction
of wind power plants,
the majority of people in the surroundings of wind turbines
are having concomitant symptoms.
㉕Most of the symptoms are typical stress symptoms, says Mehtätalo.
㉖Although some people
have suspected
that the symptoms are caused
by wind turbines,
especially if the wind power plants are visible or
if they have heard beforehand about their potential harmful
health effects,
people have symptoms
regardless of attitude.
– ㉗The pilot study shows that
the symptoms are not caused
by attitudes, says Mehtätalo.
㉘The occurrence of symptoms decreased significantly only over 15–20 km from the wind power
plants (see Figure 2).
㉙If there are wind turbines
in different directions
and a person stays a lot
in the area,
the risk of symptoms increases.

The harmful area caused by infrasound is assumed to be too small

–㉚ Later in 2017, based on infrasound measurements
made in different parts of Finland, it has been found out
that 15–20km is a typical distance
where the infrasound pulses
of wind turbines
can be detected by measurements to travel in almost all circumstances, says Mehtätalo
㉛According to an American study, infrasound travels under favorable conditions to a distance of 90 km from wind farms .
㉜If the sample of the pilot study
is representative,
about 400,000 of the Finns suffer from symptoms
due to wind turbines
and only about 10,000 of them combine the symptoms
with wind power plants.
㉝Because of the small amount
of research data,
strong conclusions
must be taken with caution.
– ㉞However,
the study clearly shows that
in all previous studies,
the harmful area has already
beforehand been presumed
to be too small,
says Markku Mehtätalo.
– ㉟Among other things,
the extensive,
in-depth material
of another American study,
used in several publications,
has been gathered
within a radius of 11.7 km
from wind turbines.
㊱For this reason,
the harmful health effects
cannot be found in the studies, because the symptoms do not vary at this distance,
he concludes. –

Completed translation of the original text: SYTe (2019). “Pilottitutkimus osoittaa infraäänihaitan vähenevän
merkittävästi vasta yli 15 kilometrin päässä tuulivoimaloista.” 2016.




 現れ始めるということです。」               フィンランド環境衛生協会の会長であるMarkkuMehtätaloは言います。


⑤ただし、2016年にTHLが行った調査研究では、風車から10 kmで有訴者(症状を訴える人)が大幅に減少し、逆に近くでは増えるという想定をしていました。





⑪データは、サタクンタと北部ポフヤンマーの、インタビュー調査の半年から1年半前に風力発電所が建設された地域を中心に収集されました(北部 ポフヤンマーの図1を参照)。










㉓風力発電所の近く(15 km以内または約15 km離れた場所)では、それより遠く離れた場所よりも、約3倍の有害またはより深刻な症状が見られました(図2参照)。

図2.ほぼ継続的、またはしばしば継続的な超低周波音に曝される場所(風車から15 km以内)とそれより遠い場所(発電所から15 km以上)の症状。




㉘風力発電所から15〜20 km離れるまで症状は現れ続け、この距離を越えてようやく大幅な減少が見られました(図2を参照)。


「㉚2017年後半、フィンランド各地で超低周波音の測定が行われた。その結果から、風力タービン由来の超低周波音は15〜20 kmの範囲内ならばどこでも検出されると言えます。」(Mehtätalo氏)






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